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Did you know that your seemingly harmless and ultimately useful smartphone actually emits harmful radiation? And it’s not something that can be taken lightly.

It took the government study 10 years and $25 million dollars to come up with this conclusion. Upon exposing rats to radio-frequency (RF) radiation, researchers found increased rates of cancer in male specimens.

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. Poor rats, right? But you know, rats don’t use smartphones. You do.

We’re not trying to scare you. You need your smartphone and hey, we understand. What we want you to know is that there is a workaround. You can use a smartphone and still be safe from radiation.

An anti-radiation case is something of a deflector of those bad waves. Like when taking a call, you can keep the case closed to shield you from those harmful waves without compromising call quality or data transfer.

The Sunset Blvd iPhone 13 leather wallet case can act as both a shield by keeping EMF away from you and giving your smartphone protection. A two-in-one deal.

And if that isn’t enough, then the built-in RFID will keep your information away from those data thieves like this 5th Ave. iPhone 13 Pro Max wallet case with MagSafe. Your credit card data and personal information will remain yours.

Guaranteed protection with modern and timeless designs, your Caseco 5th Ave wallet case collection promises all that plus more. Know that your purchase is a responsible one with Caseco’s environmental promise and charitable inclusions.