I've had it for a few months now, it doesn't charge very well through the case unlike advertised, but the magnet works amazing, it's held up well, it holds the cards without losing them and they can't slide into the bottom and get lost like the cheap amazon knock offs. it's a little bulkier than I expected but its well made other than a small section that looks like it was pressed weird. (the edge is like curled up). but I love it, it's my favorite phone case I've owned, and I'm definitely looking into these again next time I get a case. the fact that the case magnetically detaches is my new favorite thing ever, I'm not getting a phone case without it ever again. Only other gripe is I wish it didn't have a cut out for the front camera, I'm never going to be taking front pictures with the case shut and it kinda creeps me out, but a piece of tape over it works for now.